Meeting Held 9 January 2025
We have had confirmation that the existing Neighbourhood Plan remains valid with full planning weight until 2028.
Discussion about the potential impact of changing local authority/unitary authority boundaries, may or may not impact the future of NP, but in the meantime, we will continue to review our NP as part of Swale.
Discussion with Swale will continue as the NP is part of the current local plan.
We will work towards 2028 but will need carry out a new Objectively Assessed Housing Need. This will take account of affordability criteria, and also include an audit of vacant properties.
We will review our existing Design Code, locally rather than Kent guidance.
Parking has continued to be a local issue, therefore developments should reflect this.
Affordable housing is a priority.
The Review will involve material modifications to the NP, which will probably require examination by an inspector, but may not necessarily require a referendum. If the nature of the plan changes significantly, a referendum would be required.
The Community Magazine and the websites of the NP and the hopefully the two parishes will be used to inform both communities.
We will continue to update both Parish Councils.
Many of you know, the Boughton and Dunkirk Neighbourhood Plan (B&DNP) Team put together the current Plan after many years of community consultation, research and hard work. The Plan was ‘made’ in February 2023 and has full and real legal weight until 2028, directing development in our local area. Every planning application submitted to Swale Borough Council must adhere to the policies in the Plan before a final decision is made.
Fortunately, we do not believe that the current NPPF 2024 consultation will change anything, and the B&DNP will continue to have full planning weight.
The B&DNP team has submitted a robust objection to the Winterbourne Fields application. We believe the plan has sufficient weight for the application to be refused, but one never knows with planning (and appeals).
But soon, we will need help to review the Plan. If you are willing to commit some time on a regular basis, working as part of a team, you are most welcome to join.
In early 2025, the B&DNP Team will begin to look at updating and amending the Plan as required by law. This is to ensure by 2028 it is again ready to be put forward as a legal planning document to support our community and our historic parishes.
There is a lot of work ahead and the team would greatly appreciate your input. This will include updating policies, compiling new surveys on housing needs, traffic, transport and parking, environmental matters etc, all of which are currently contained in the 2023 Neighbourhood Plan. Whatever your expertise or interest, you will be welcomed.
We are a group of local volunteers, with representation by councillors from both parishes, with different interests and strengths, who care deeply about where we live. We hope to attract those of like minds who are willing and able to commit to working in a team for the good of our community.
In the first instance, please contact:
Jeff Tutt,
or Frances Holliday,
Neighbourhood Plan Teams objections to The Duchy and Winterbourne Fields
Writing as chairman, I would like to thank all the volunteers who have given time to help with the plan, and must mention the late John Peto who supported me and the group.
The neighbourhood plan team wish to thank everyone who voted and gave the plan a resounding ‘YES’. It is now a ‘made’ plan and carries full planning weight which any planning application must be judged against.
Jeff Tutt
B&DNP February 2023 Made VersionDownload

Referendum set for 16th February
7th February 2023. With the referendum only days away, there is still time to view the main documents. In the tab, ‘Referendum final documents’, you will find the plan as agreed by the examiner, the main background documents and large maps. All other background documents are as those supplied in the ‘May 2022 submitted background documents’ tab.

18th May 2022
We have now updated numerous documents following consultations, and submitted the Plan under Reg 16 to Swale Borough Council
The Neighbourhood Plan has been produced by the Boughton and Dunkirk Neighbourhood Plan Group, a Working Group set up in 2013, by the two Parish Councils (as qualifying bodies).
A working team of Jeff Tutt, chair of Dunkirk Parish Council, Terry Fitchett from Boughton PC and residents from both communities, including Frances Holliday, Julian Owen, Peter Williams, the late John Peto; and, from time to time, many other Parish Councillors and residents contributed. A planning consultant has advised the group, and many others have participated in the responses to surveys and questionnaires.
Neighbourhood planning was introduced through the Localism Act 2011. Neighbourhood planning legislation came into effect in April 2012. From 2013, when we started, it has been a collaborative effort by members of both parish councils and many other volunteers from within our community. It has been a herculean task with disappointingly little help from an apparently overstretched Swale Borough Council.
The Boughton and Dunkirk Neighbourhood Plan is now ready for consultation. The consultation period runs for eight weeks from 15th March – 14th May 2021. *Minor alteration to a walk (page 40) as it was on private land. We apologise for this and have removed/changed the walk*
To download the full plan, please use the ‘Draft Plan’ tab. You can access all of the background documents from the tab marked ‘Plan Background Documents’.
We welcome your comments and responses, please see the ‘Plan Consultation Response Form’ tab.
Swale’s adopted local plan identified sufficient sites to meet general housing needs elsewhere in the Borough, and we were able to concentrate on meeting the expressed needs of our local residents and their families in a sustainable way. The local plan had already pinpointed sites at Boughton sufficient for 33 houses, 40% of which have to be affordable housing, and a further six houses on a third site.
We are proposing just one new site, suitable for up to 12 homes, being made up of two adjoining land parcels in the centre of Boughton. We intend that they will be reserved for local needs, with strict conditions attached. All other sites will be protected from development, and the special qualities of our surrounding landscape will be respected. We have aimed for all assessments and draft policies to be compliant with National Planning Policy Framework, Swale Borough Planning Policies (Swale LP 2008 and Bearing Fruits 2031), EU and human rights legislation.
We look forward to hearing your comments and views on this draft Plan.
Jeff Tutt NP Chairman.
Neighbourhood planning was introduced through the Localism Act 2011. Neighbourhood planning legislation came into effect in April 2012.
This is a new type of planning document prepared by local communities. In line with Government guidelines, it will be evidence led and will demonstrate an element of sustainability in any development. It will promote environmental protection and contribute to the integration of environmental, social and economic considerations but, most importantly, it will be prepared by members of our community to protect and enhance the built environment for nearly 20 years (until 2038).
It is important to remember that a Neighbourhood Plan will only be able to give the most to our communities if it is developed in concert with Swale Borough Council. They have been tasked by the Government to supply help and officer time in the preparation, consultation, and submission to an independent examiner. They will also organise a referendum and (if approved by you) its adoption – inclusion into the Local Plan.
Below is a short list of some of the issues you raised. Please note some of the wording is historic from the dates of the surveys.
The results of surveys and questionnaires can be found in the ‘Background Document Additional Evidence’ tab.
Parking Survey
We have been looking at the main complaint we received through the questionnaire – Parking in The Street.
You may have seen some of us up and down The Street with tape measures and cameras. Many of you have told us that parking is the biggest problem, in Boughton at least. We need to collect evidence as to the level and type of the problems. Is it an inability to find a parking space or people parking where they shouldn’t? Is it difficulty passing parked vehicles or do the alternate vehicle slow down cars that might require speed bumps if it was an open road. Do we need yellow lines? Do we need off street parking? If there was off street parking who would use it? Always more questions, but we are trying desperately to find solutions.
We have also undertaken a specific parking survey for local residents in The Street and neighbouring roads to ask about their parking habits/requirements. This has nothing to do with the yellow lines consultation by Swale Borough Council.
Character Assessment
We are currently undertaking assessments of the three Conservation Areas (all in Boughton), with the help of Swale’s conservation officer. We will also be looking at all other areas in both Parishes, each with a special or different character.
What do you think makes Boughton and Dunkirk Special? Which bits must be preserved and given extra protection and which bits need some TLC? Make you thoughts count by contacting us through the website. We have templates available (so we all look and score the same things) and we welcome anyone filling these in with us. Please contact if you are interested in participating.
Housing Survey (October 2014)
The (closed) housing needs survey has been collated and the results interpreted, to inform the Plan.
We must start by expressing our thanks to you all. Over 25% of the surveys delivered were returned. This is an amazing response rate and it indicates just how many people want to have an input and help create the plan.
The initial results can be seen in the Housing Survey tab above
Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire (May 2014)
We would like to thank everyone who took the time to complete and return their questionnaires earlier in the year. There were certainly a number of interesting thoughts for us to go through! The summary of results from each question are shown at the link above.
We had a fantastic response of over 21% – more than one in five households, and they will form the core of YOUR plan. The winners of the prize draw were Gerry Dickson, John Bower and Mrs J Chapman.
What happens next?
A consultation document will be produced setting out the main areas you want the Plan to cover (taken from the Questionnaire results). We will also be meeting with groups within the community to be sure we clearly understand your wishes.
We hope to keep you informed on progress and gather your opinions on a range of subjects that will affect the parishes for many years to come.
Our plan will be designed to run in parallel with Swale Borough Councils (SBC) new Local Plan 2013 – 2031*, but most importantly will reflect local opinion. *revised to 2038*
A neighbourhood plan adds to SBC’s local plan. It is a development led plan that will be designed by local people for our local needs.
The plan can be detailed or general, depending on what local people want. Neighbourhood plans allow local people to get the right type of development for their community.
A neighbourhood development plan establishes general planning policies for the development and use of land in a neighbourhood and can establish where new homes and offices should be built and what they should look like.
This is the first-time local people will be able to have a real say in local planning issues – something that most people have asked for. Do not waste this once in a lifetime opportunity.